Thursday, March 31, 2016

Α ρε κάτι "επανάστατες"....αλλά τι περιμένεις από ξεφτιλισμένα υποκείμενα που πηγαίνουν όπου φυσάει ο άνεμος (μάλον...

Originally shared by Ο Τελευταίος των Ανθρώπων (ΔΙΗΝΕΚΗΣ)

Α ρε κάτι "επανάστατες"....αλλά τι περιμένεις από ξεφτιλισμένα υποκείμενα που πηγαίνουν όπου φυσάει ο άνεμος (μάλον αυτό εννοούν με το "άνεμος αντίστασης")? Το μόνο που έκαναν οι συγκεκριμένοι "μαθηματικοί" είναι να αναπαράγουν τη θεωρία τους σε έναν ψηφιακό αλγόριθμο τον οποίο οι ίδιοι έφτιαξαν...και ο αλγόριθμος αυτός, όπως και όλοι οι αλγόριθμοι, βασίζεται σε ΥΠΟΘΕΣΕΙΣ (assumptions)!!! Τις δικές τους υποθέσεις!!! Με απλά λόγια, φτιάχνω ένα λογισμικό, ένα πρόγραμμα, που βασίζεται στην αλήθεια της θεωρίας μου και όταν το χρησιμοποιώ αποδεικνύει ότι η θεωρία μου είναι αληθινή!!! Η επιτομή του κυκλικού "επιχειρήματος"!!! Και μόνο ότι αυτή η ανάρτηση είναι σε έναν αυστηρά ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΟ χώρο είναι η απόλυτη ένδειξη των ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΩΝ σκοπιμοτήτων που εξυπηρετεί...και μάλλον "τυχαία" είναι και η καταγωγή των συγκεκριμένων "μαθηματικών" καθώς και η πηγή της χρηματοδότησής τους...Είναι αυτό που λέω, η "φιλοσοφία" των υποτελών ονομάζεται ΣΥΓΧΥΣΗ!!!

Someone's take

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment

Someone's take

How "Satan's Army" Is Rising NOW! (2016)

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment


Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday:

Originally shared by Tanner Wintters

Easter Sunday: 
The Resurrection of Our Lord

by Fr. Raphael Frassinetti, 1900

Gospel. Mark xvi. 1-7. At that time: Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome bought sweet spices, that coming they might anoint Jesus. And very early in the morning, the first day of the week, they came to the sepulchre, the sun being now risen. And they said one to another: Who shall roll us back the stone from the door of the sepulchre? And looking, they saw the stone rolled back: for it was very great. And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed with a white robe: and they were astonished. Who saith to them: Be not affrighted: ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified: He is risen, He is not here: behold the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there you shall see him, as he told you.

N o longer are there tears in our eyes; no longer are heard wailings of grief, but hymns of the greatest joy. Our Lord is risen. Jesus, the good God, is risen glorious and triumphant from the tomb. Let us rejoice! Let those tremble and despair who are His enemies! The Jews bragged of the success of their execrable work; but their triumph is short. They did not see that all this happened to Our Lord, because He desired it so. They triumphed for a while, when they had shut up His body in the tomb, but Christ, full of life and immortal, now passes through the stone vault and is truly risen. He is indeed risen and endowed with greater beauty; clothed in light, like that of the sun; the crown of thorns is changed into a beautiful diadem, the wounds into signs of victory; the blasphemies of the Jews into the exultation of the angels; His sorrowful death into a most happy life. O day of happiness for the whole earth! "This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us exult and rejoice therein." What fruit shall we draw from this feast? It is this: Jesus Christ is risen from the dead to die no more; so also when we rise from our death of sin, we should die no more, but continue in the life of grace.

It is a fact that many rise from the sleep of death during these days of the paschal joy; because the Church has made an express law that every Catholic must go to confession and communion at Easter. Therefore many, obedient to the law, confess, bewail their sins and promise to remain faithful to the graces of a new life. Many, however, are not steadfast; a few days have scarcely passed before they forget, and by sin fall back again into death. Have such really risen? It appeared as if they had, but if they had been really converted they would certainly not have fallen back into sin so easily and in so short a time.

I should like to believe that all you, my dear young friends, who have gone to confession, have really made up your minds not to fall into sin again. Just think what a terrible thing it is to be in the state of moral death; by sin you become an enemy of God and you cease to be the brother of Jesus Christ. The character of the soul is goodness; and so beautiful is it that God loves it and takes special delight in it. You are by Baptism brothers of Jesus Christ, associates of the angels, of the Blessed Virgin and the saints in heaven. It is worth your while, then, my dear young people, to preserve with the greatest care the purity which you have again acquired by the use of the sacraments. Unhappy beings, if you become bad again, you are throwing away your last chance of salvation; it is very hard to rise from the state of sin to life; the devil will make every effort to hold on to you; he will redouble his watchfulness, will strengthen his net about you, will double the chains that already bind you. He will send his servants to you, who will surround you in such a manner that nothing good can come near you. He will make the life of a sinner seem most delightful, so that in your blindness you would not change it if you could. That is the great difficulty--that we are our own obstacles. We would not love God if we could, we would not serve Him if we could--such are the machinations of the devil to keep you in his service. So you see it is not as easy as you think to return to God. Without grace we can do nothing, and we cannot run to Him and stay away from Him at will. When God has seen you unfaithful to Him several times, after having been saved by His mercy, He will no longer give you those extraordinary graces which brought you out of your evil ways heretofore; now He will let you go, He will abandon you as a thoroughly worthless subject. 

From these considerations you can gather that it is most important for us to be in the state of grace, for on it our salvation depends. It is also very essential never to think lightly of the state of grace, not to let it go and come as we often do in the Sacrament of Penance; we return again and again to confession accusing ourselves of the same sins, and thus we continue until the day of our death. When once we have risen as Christ has risen, to die no more, we also must begin a new life. If in the past we have been so fond of the world that we thought of nothing else, now in our new life we must live with Jesus Christ; we will renounce the world to flee from those unlawful pleasures, to lead a celestial life, to be in heaven rather than upon this earth. "If you have risen with Christ, relish the things of heaven, not the things of earth." Do not run after the pleasures of this world with such a relish; look for the joys of heaven, pray to God, use the sacraments frequently, and hear the word of God; then this new life will also be a resurrection for you, a glorious day; and will foreshadow the day on which you will be crowned with the crown of perseverance.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Published on Mar 15, 2016

Originally shared by IamChattyCathy

Published on Mar 15, 2016
This is unquestionably the world’s best professional documentary about the Third Secret of Fatima revealing:

• The full details about the history of the Third Secret
• Clues about the Third Secret leaked by Popes and other high-ranking Vatican clerics over the years
• The evidence of why the supposed Third Secret of Fatima release by the Vatican in 2000 was fake and/or incomplete and how the actual, true, full Third Secret of Fatima is yet to be released to the public
• The connection between the Third Secret of Fatima and the chastisements foretold by the Church-approved apparition of Our Lady of Akita in Japan
• Details about the apostasy in the Catholic Church foretold by the Third Secret (details related to Vatican II, the New Mass, bad bishops and clerics, and more)
• How Dr. Antonio Socci completely demolished the deception and lies of Cardinal Bertone and about the very enlightening findings of Socci and the testimonies he uncovered
• Information on why Vatican officials are hiding the truth
• About the coming chastisements foretold in the 3rd Secret
• What we can do and what we are obliged to do about it


Originally shared by keith pointer


Monday, March 21, 2016

World's Most Famous Atheist Accepts Existence of God because of Science

Proof the Roman Catholic Church is not the right hand of God, her evil have been read across the internet.

Originally shared by null

Proof the Roman Catholic Church is not the right hand of God, her evil have been read across the internet. Have you ever heard of the Jesuits? If you have not google: the oath of the Jesuits, to find out what their oath is of war, killing of those who are not of the Roman Catholic religion. They call anyone not of their occult denomination heretics. Besides there rules has always been no Jesuit can become Pope and now they have the leader of the Jesuits a handy tool of killing anyone that goes against the Catholic Church as the Pope. Have you ever heard of the Black Pope? He is the leader of their army, yes army.

by Brother Nathanel: Santanic Verses of the Talmud Book of HATE

by Brother Nathanel:  Santanic Verses of the Talmud Book of HATE
The israHELLi zionist JEWISH TALMUD is “Holy Writ” for the Jews.
The Talmud supercedes the Old Testament in authority for the Jews. And the Talmud is the most racist, hate-mongering , blasphemous book the world has ever known.
The Talmud was written in Hebrew between the 3rd & 6th Centuries as a codification of the so-called Oral Law that the Jewish rabbis claim was handed down from Moses.
But the Messiah Jesus censored the “Oral Law” when He said,
“By the traditions of your elders you make void the Word of God.”
(St Matthew 15).

The English translation of the Talmud has been watered down so as to conceal from the Gentiles the “satanic verses” contained in the original Hebrew.

The “Satanic Verses” of the Talmud can be classified into 3 categories:
1) Jewish Supremacy.
2) Hatred Towards The “Goys” (Gentiles).
3) Blasphemies Against Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary, & All Christians.
Sources: The Talmud, Soncino Press, Hebrew-English; The Truth About The Talmud, Michael Hoffman Here; Jewish History-Jewish Religion, Israel Shahak Here; The Plot Against Christianity, Elizabeth Dilling Here

Today, we are aware that flood myths are found not only in Near Eastern societies, but also in many other ancient...

Originally shared by Ancient Origins

Today, we are aware that flood myths are found not only in Near Eastern societies, but also in many other ancient civilizations throughout the world. One of the oldest and most interesting accounts originates in Hindu mythology, and while there are discrepancies, it does bear fascinating similarity to the story of Noah and his ark.
#hindu #food #noah #history

Br Nathanael: So the oral tradition of the Jews is not consonant with the Old Testament?

Br Nathanael: So the oral tradition of the Jews is not consonant with the Old Testament?
Michael Hoffman: Not at all. The spurious claim of an oral “tradition of the elders” bequeathed by God to Moses is anti-Biblical, just as Jesus asserted.
Christ very simply illuminated the fact that if the Pharisaic tradition had indeed been from Moses, then they would have become Christians. For Christ rebuked them saying, “Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me, for he wrote of Me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe My words?”
Here Jesus annihilated in one stroke the basis for the religion of Judaism and its conceit of an oral tradition given to it by Moses. For had such a tradition existed it would have testified of Jesus the Messiah. Instead, Christ tells them point blank that they do not follow Moses!
Br Nathanael: When speaking of the centrality of the Talmud in Judaism, you refer to the “rabbis and their submissive flock.” How then does the Jewish secularist figure into this submissive flock?
Michael Hoffman: All of those within the polity of Judaism, even the Jewish secularist, give tacit allegiance to the rabbis. How often have we heard from any of them when challenged with the Messiahship of Jesus, this response: But the rabbis do not believe in Jesus!
Well of course they do not believe! How could they? For as Jesus stated in his reproof to the Pharisees, their tradition is a denial of what Moses wrote about the coming of the Messiah in the Person of Jesus Christ. Moreover, as regards the Jewish secularist, he exhibits the same chauvinism and racism as the Talmudists.
Br Nathanael: With the Talmud being the basis of Judaism, how then does one bring the Gospel message to the rabbis and their followers?
Michael Hoffman: When presenting Old Testament proofs of the Messiahship of Jesus to the rabbis and their followers - one must penetrate the iron-clad grid of the Talmudic mind-set which according to Christ’s assertion makes the Scriptures of none effect.
From the outset, the Christian must realize that the rabbis and their followers do not know their own Scriptures, and for that matter, do not care to know them. For they view the Talmud as superceding the Scriptures. Much patience is required when bringing the Gospel message to them, and perhaps at times, stern reproofs are necessary.

Br Nathanael: What do you mean by saying that the Jewish secularist exhibits the same chauvinism and racism as...

Br Nathanael: What do you mean by saying that the Jewish secularist exhibits the same chauvinism and racism as believers in the Talmud?
Michael Hoffman: The main tenet of Judaism is Jewish self-worship. Judaism has as its “god,” not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but the worship of the Jewish people.
Jewish self-worship is at the core of the Talmud. The secularist amongst them shares in this self-worship. For the Talmud teaches that the Gentile is a lower form of humanity. They all believe that they have this special-ness about them, believing the myth that they, not the Christians, are the “chosen people.”
Coupled with the false notion that they are the “chosen people” - regardless of their unethical conduct, their gross distortions of the God of the Bible, their unbelief, their hatred of Biblical Christian culture, (which has afforded them asylum in Christian nations), and their persistent rejection of Jesus the Messiah - the Talmud teaches that those within Judaism are of a higher form of humanity than others. For they pray both in the synagogue and in their homes, “I thank Thee O God that Thou has not made me a Gentile.”
Br Nathanael: You say that the Talmud has made the Scriptures of none effect. How so?
Michael A. Hoffman: In the Gospel of Mark Chapter 7, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees saying, “You make the Word of God of none effect by your tradition that you have handed down.” There is little in the Talmud which refers to Old Testament Scriptures - but rather, teachings that are contrary to the Scriptures.
The Talmud teaches that a Jew may *kill, **steal, and ***lie to non-Jews with impunity -yet all of these actions are in violation of the 6th, 7th, and 9th commandments of Moses. Here is but one example of the Oral Law making the Word of God “of none effect.” [*Tractates Sanhedrin 58b; **Baba Mezia 24a; **Sanhedrin 57a; ***Baba Kama 113a]
There is also the Talmudic nullification of the sin of King David, by which sin, Christians have learned to shun the sins of adultery and hostility, reciting the penitent words of King David in Psalm 51. But the religion of Judaism will have none of this! For the Talmud states: “whosoever says King David sinned is mistaken.”
According to the Talmud the practice in those days for men going to war was to give their wives conditional divorces. The Talmud states that Bathsheba was no longer married and hence decrees that King David did not sin.
What the rabbis are actually saying is that it is God who is mistaken–yet the Word of God clearly declares that David sinned by killing Uriah the Hittite and committing adultery with his wife: “Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house because thou hast despised Me and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife.” (II Samuel 12)

Br Nathanael: Is it true that the Talmud blasphemes Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary?

Br Nathanael: Is it true that the Talmud blasphemes Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary?
Michael Hoffman: The Talmud indeed blasphemes Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. Tractate Sanhedrin 106a says that Jesus’ mother was a harlot: “She who was a descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters.” Also in Tractate Shabbath 104b of the Talmud, it is stated: “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.”
As regard the Talmud’s treatment of Jesus Christ, Tractates Sanhedrin 107b and Sotah 47a say: “Jesus was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone and brick, was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent.” And even a more vile blasphemy is written in Tractate Gitten 57: “Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement.”
Br Nathanael: What attitude then should Christians take towards Judaism?
Michael Hoffman: Christians must understand that the religion of Judaism is anti-Biblical. The true religion of the God of Israel is Christianity not Judaism. Judaism is simply a perversion of God’s original revelation to the Hebrew nation–it is the very religion of nullification of the Old Testament.
Now what fellowship has light with darkness? What fellowship has Christ with Belial? What fellowship has the true worship of God with idols and “Judaism’s strange gods?” None!


* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)
[’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]
* Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)
* “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)
* “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)
* “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)
* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)


Originally shared by vakis karachalios

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Offers an "EVERYTHING EXPLANATION" by combining Alien matters with the Bible as well as the INTERDIMENSIONAL...

Offers an "EVERYTHING EXPLANATION" by combining Alien matters with the Bible as well as the INTERDIMENSIONAL Hypothesis that includes the Fallen Angels Biblical version. 

It brings forth the concept of a DEMONIC ILLUSION, the Alien Hybrid theory as well the SERPENT SEED theory. It further mentions Project Blue Beam and the Holographic issue. The Biblical Prophetic Narrative is consistently mentioned and enforced throughout all of the claims brought forth.

These are the types of sources I go to while I am searching for the best possible "EVERYTHING EXPLANATION".


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

11 books on reincarnation and 50 videos to watch for free below when you want to study the TELEPATHY between the...

Originally shared by Alex P

11 books on reincarnation and 50 videos to watch for free below when you want to study the TELEPATHY between the conscious brain mind and the soul mind with all past existences (in spirit or physical worlds) in its memory banks.  has several free e-books, without copyright, with over 100 reincarnation cases.

We all heard the Golden rule saying that it is best to treat others the honest Gentle Forgiving Healing Nurturing Nonviolent Sweet way we want to be treated in future years or physical lives and afterlife periods between lives or afterlife itself in general - because regardless if reincarnation is real or not - karma is real. :)  I even made a poll to ask people about their explanation for the mind blowing cases below at  While many don't believe in reincarnation, these cases are very interesting and make you wonder:

1. the James Leininger case has so many details, it is one of the most famous and well known: reincarnation of a former air pilot James who died in Japan during World War II  ► 5 min, 14 min & 3 min

2. - 3 min video on reincarnation of Shanti Devi. ♥

This was studied by hundreds of scientists and believed by Mahatma Gandhi who appointed a special commission to investigate its veracity. You can also read a long article about Shanti Devi at ► Other cases are at ►

3. - 3 min Discovery Channel video about twins coming back in the same family. 

4. - 7 min BBC clip on reincarnation memory of a child Edward Austrian who had his throat tumor disappear after he remembered his past life shooting in the throat.  Edward had a phobia of dark, drizzly, damp weather and often became ill with throat problems. What made the latter strange is how Edward identified with his throat illness, calling it his “shot”. By the time he was 4 years old, Edward developed a cyst in his throat and was taken in for tonsillitis surgery to prepare for further treatment of the cyst. After his surgery, the boy confided to his mother Patricia (who didn't believe in reincarnation initially) with a recollection of his previous life as James, an 18 year old soldier, and his life in the trenches during a war. Edward also told his mother how he was killed; he was shot in the throat. After his recollection of his past life to his mother, Edward’s cyst disappeared, something that his doctor was never able to explain.  These healings are often spontaneous after past life recalls.

5. - 46 min video with Carol Bowman presenting research on how past life recall leads to physical healings. ♥:)☻

6. - 6 min Discovery Channel video on a rebirth case from Sri Lanka.

7. - 7 min UK Living video on Jenny Cockell reincarnation case.

The clip shows how a lady died and reincarnated and was able to reunite her former separated children. In the clip you can see how her Catholic former son says he now believes in reincarnation (as do all her kids).  For more details about her reincarnation books, see

8. - 35 min video on reincarnation of Jewish Holocaust victim Anne Frank. 
Anne Frank ►

9. - 5 min video on a boy's reincarnation as a girl Nicola. Nicola recalled at 2 her former past life house. Mom checked records and found they matched the story.

10. - 7 min clip on Mike death and rebirth in the same family. The baby told his mom he is Michael, the nephew who died 4 years before and gave more details.

11. - 8 min video of reincarnated Mandy Seabrook. At the age of 2, Mandy told her mom that she is the reincarnation of her older sister Mandy (same name) who died before. Mandy had unexplainable knowledge of her dead sister's life. At two years old she instantly recognized the grave where her older sister was buried (herself in that other life), even though she never traveled to that area of the country. She attended the funeral as a spirit and recalled her watching the funeral as a spirit, providing details.

12. - 9 min video of super-skeptical policeman who verified 28 facts recorded during his past life regression.

13. - 9 min video about Roman Emperors removing reincarnation from the New Testament for their own political goals, as other dictators changed history books too. There are many Gnostic and other Gospels where Jesus teaches reincarnation and says he is one of many more aware souls, basically making Christianity almost identical to Buddhism, Hinduism and all native religions believing in reincarnation and the plurality of paths. This is a reason why 25% of Americans/Europeans believe in reincarnation. Some claim different emperors/kings/scribes removed reincarnation from the first 5 books of Old Testament (the Jewish Torah) too and added some 'not so nice' paragraphs.
14. - 53 min video on Jesus in India & Buddhist places by the Indian Government. ♥

15. - 49 min BBC video on Issa or Jesus, the Israeli teacher of reincarnation who went to India. It's not just a quarter of American Christians who believe in reincarnation. Millions of Muslims ( & Jews ( believe in rebirth too.  Madonna & many celebrities believe in rebirth. So did Henry Ford, Napoleon, Benjamin Franklin.

16. - 21 min video by Professor Tucker on Ian Stevenson's past life research. Professor Ian Stevenson studied 2500 rebirth cases and wrote 14 books on reincarnation  Possibly the most known books among his 14 books are "20 Cases suggestive of reincarnation" and "European Cases of reincarnation" available on amazon.  You may find lots of websites giving excerpts from these books too, if you google.  Geddes MacGregor, Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at  USC wrote a book on rebirth too ►  Other reincarnation researchers are Satwant Pasricha, Godwin Samararatne, Antonia Mills, and Erlendur Haraldsson.  

17. - another video with more data on reincarnation from Professor Tucker.  It mentions cases of birth marks in new life indicating previous life events, etc. 

18. is a 27 min first part of a documentary about the past lives of 4 Australian women (they recall lives in Europe in places they never visited this lifetime in a detail that blows the minds of all skeptics).  The other 3 parts are 2. (21 min), 3. (20 min), 4: (40 min).  All 4 parts can be watched into one big video of 103 minutes at  One of the cases was super-strong, with too many details provided that nobody in the world could have known and are not in any online source or book.  2 other 1 hour famous past life documentaries are from National Geographic ►  BBC ►

19. is a 2 min video about a 3 year old reincarnated boy who identified past life killer causing the charging of the killer.  Newspapers covered this rebirth case too For more info, see  Some skeptics argued that the families in the Druze community brainwash the kids to invent past lives, since they got thousands of cases.  But the science papers at and indicate that parents often try to repress these kid memories or don't believe in reincarnation and actively fight the kid's recall of a past life, discouraging it.  Therefore, it cannot be the parents who "coax the kid to make up a story". They are genuine past life recalls. 

20.  Fernando case has a lot of evidence, he is using old names and same curse words as in a former life and

21.  Little boy recalls past life killer and wife and

22.  several mind blowing cases from Tibet, India, Canada, Sri Lanka in this amazing 40 min BBC documentary  

23.  Gus Taylor is reincarnation of his grandpa in this 5 min video  This is a stronger case, as the family did not believe in reincarnation, being a Southern baptist family.

24.  the reincarnation of Hanah Monsour who predicted her future reincarnation and was born 10 days after dying, meaning her soul was probably visiting the new womb now and then before total entrance. She also looks very similar. video at  

25.  A Male Reincarnates as a Woman, Retains Male Traits & Becomes a Lesbian

26.  Yale graduate, MD and skeptic became believer in reincarnation after a patient of his told him in her 5th regression unbelievable details about his father and son that she could not have possibly known in this 6 min clip with Oprah Winfrey  

27.  At 2 years old, Luke Ruehlman, a white boy, named everything Pam and later told his parents that he died in 1993 in a fire and he was a black woman and went to heaven and was sent back to Earth and, 5 min clip reminds all that the soul has no gender or race. :)

28.  Carl Edon reincarnation case

29.   5 year old Ryan Hammons remembered his past life as Marty Martyn, providing 55 exact details he could not have possibly known or find online according to an NBC News March 2015 article  ►

30.  3 year old Purnima Ekanayaka recalled her past life as Jinadasa Perera (a guy killed while riding a bike), providing about 20 exact details she could not have possibly known - having birthmarks matching the injuries of her former self who died 2 years prior to her birth

31.  a good list with about 50 other cases covered in several PDFs ►

32.  Kumkum Verma recalls her past life 25 miles away in a lower class and all details provided matched the former lady personality when parents went to the former family to verify.  Kumkum spoke this life with the past family accent and used the manners of the past life class, further confirming the strength of her recall.  Super-strong recalls, birthmarks matching death wounds and habit/accent retention happen in cases like this, where violent or untimely death happens and reincarnation is very fast ►

33. Patrick had the same birth marks as the 3 lesions of the half-brother who died 12 years before and provided details about the half-brother that were true and he could not have known

34.  has several free e-books, without copyright, with over 100 reincarnation cases.  The website and e-book author helped University of Virginia to investigate many cases in India.  The 2 English books on reincarnation are at and at

35.  John is reborn as his grandson, after 5 years in heaven, and has birthmarks matching death injuries, same habits, plans to take care of animals in his new life as William, as John predicted he would in his next life. ►

36.  5 min clip about Stefan Horowitz who was shot during the Holocaust and whose life was recalled by Bruce Whittier (a Christian who didn't believe in reincarnation).  Bruce got via dreams information on how to find a clock he had in that past life.

37.  8 min clip about the past life of Jeffrey Keene who has several marks on his body matching the wounds of Civil War General John B. Gordon, looks like him (this is not very common, quite often we change gender and even race from one life to the next) and had experienced many events in his life that point to his reincarnation 

38.  Rosario Weisz reincarnates as Henrietta Roos-Weisz, has the same talents in painting and French, same personality and her past life friend Francisco Goya becomes her spirit guide who helps her produce her best paintings

39.  Muslim Turkish boy recalls exact details of his Christian Armenian life in Istanbul, 500 miles away - details confirmed

40.  Bruce Kelly recalls under hypnosis his exact past life name James Edward Johnston, birth date, jobs, habits and drowning in the U.S.S. Shark submarine as a World War II sailor - clip also has the filmed encounter visit of his former house - with his visual recognition of surroundings

41.  2 min Xenoglossy video explains how during past life regression a Chinese lady who didn't know English started to talk in perfect English.  Similar past life hypnosis cases exist with people speaking in a language they don't know.  A physician had his 3 year old twin boys start talking in a strange language and he went to Columbia University and found out it was Aramaic

42.  Tibetan test to see which kid is the reincarnation of a given monk  ►

43.  Sharon recalls her life as John, a seaman killed in the Pearl harbor attack, providing lots of names and details she could not have possibly known - some not even in the archives

44.  Lisa Bach remembers many details about her past life as the Princess Elizabeth of Hungary, a "saint" of the Catholic church.  On site she recalls a staggering amount of details no living human being can know.  It's among the strongest recalls of details of centuries ago while on site.

45.  Georgia Rudolph 1914 past life recall has many details confirmed and she recognized her former house as she drove by.  For 30 years she kept dreaming of her past life self, she drew as a child a lot of past . ►

46.  4 min clip from a documentary about indigo kids about a Lady who reincarnates as her own granddaughter and recalls many details of the funeral.  It is quite common for people to become their own grandchild via reincarnation.

47.  past lives of Twins article in the Lancet, one of the most known medical journals

48.  Pythagoras was more famous for reincarnation and spiritual teachings than for math in ancient times.  He was a vegetarian who taught the immortality of the soul and that it's possible to bilocate via soul travel. Plato and others wrote about reincarnation cases a little too

49.  Mira Kelley explains how the chain of her past life as a slave has caused a problem this life in her jaw and how her past life recall caused an instant healing next morning, helping her to avoid the surgery the doctor proposed. 

50.  two kids recall their past lives as Buddhist monks, have same habits, monk like personalities, with many details confirmed


Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

Monday, March 7, 2016


Тема мојих беседа је питање о томе како човек може да буде Хришћанин када се налази далеко од храма. И одмах ми се у сећању јавља прича о томе како су живели први Хришћани. Било их је врло, врло мало. Били су расејани по целој територији Римског царства, више од тога - били су прогањани и зато је за њих чак било веома опасно, а са времена на време и немогуће да се окупљају...
Шта је било карактеристично за Хришћане, шта их је чинило другачијима од свих осталих, јединственима? Радило се о људима најразличитијег порекла, из различитих друштвених слојева, различитог образовања, разних култура, разних националности, разних језика, за које се никад не би ни помислило да могу да се сусретну на икаквом заједничком тлу, али који су ово заједничко тле нашли у једном: у томе што су постали верници, што су поверовали у Господа Исуса Христа. Ми данас тражимо заједничке додирне тачке и често се трудимо да остваримо заједницу на свим пољима нашег живота. Рани Хришћани ово нису могли, чак, ни да помисле. То је било немогуће у то време тражити. Једино што им је било заједничко била је њихова вера: то што су они, свако на свој начин, срели Господа Исуса Христа, препознали у Њему свог Бога, свог Спаситеља, Владику свог живота и предали Му све силе своје душе, биле оне мале или велике - али до краја.
У то време се показало да вера није у првом реду систем богословских или философских погледа; показало се да је вера плод сусрета са Живим Богом и предавање Њему читавог свог живота са поверењем и верношћу до краја. Ова верност се огледала у свему: у чистоти живота, у живљењу новим животним принципима. Сетимо се човека као што је апостол Павле, који је био прогонитељ Хришћана и који је постао један од најватренијих проповедника Јеванђеља. Ево шта он каже о томе шта човека спречава да каже да је Хришћанин и које недостојан да себе назове Хришћанином, а какви су плодови Духа, односно какви се плодови рађају у људској души када се ње дотакне дар Духа Светога, дејство благодати Божије. У петој глави своје Посланице Галатима он пише: "А позната су дјела тијела, која су: прељуба, блуд, нечистота, бесрамност, идолопоклонство, чарање, свађе, пакости, гњев, пркоси, раздори, јереси, зависти, убиства, пи-јанства, раскалашности и слично овима". А када се поставља питање о томе какав је Хришћанин и шта је то у њему што може бити достојно и њега као човека и Бога као његовог Господа, Творца и Спаситеља, ево шта читамо: "А плод Духа јесте: љубав, радост, мир, дуготрпљење, благост, доброта, вјера, кротост, уздржање".
Ево особина које треба да усвојимо ако желимо да будемо Хришћани. Бити Хришћанин значи бити човек којег Бог не мора да се стиди. Такав човек уноси светлост у свет - тамо где је потпуна тама, наду - где су очајање и безнадежност, љубав - где су само горчина, равнодушност, мржња, завист, непријатељство, распре и неслагања. Очистивши свој ум од недостојних мисли и своје срце од нечистих осећања он уноси у живот чистоту, он је из свог живота избацио оно што га брука, што срамоти име Хришћанина, и што на крају крајева, срамоти Бога.
Апостол Павле је писао: "Јер се Име Божије због вас хули". То се дешавало тада, али се дешава и сад. Пијанство, разузданост, блуд, нечистота, разврат, завист и гнев, све ово се још увек може видети међу Хришћанима, иако ове особине сведоче о томе да они који живе у складу са овим осећањима и делују по чулима нису Хришћани у свом животу.
Ево одакле би свако од нас требало да почне: да поставимо себи питање не о томе да ли нам је храм близу или далеко, да ли успевамо често да одемо у њу, него о томе ко смо ми: јесмо ли Христови или нисмо? Да ли живимо по законима правде Божије или срамотимо Име Божије и своје име Хришћанина?
Митрополит Антоније Блум,

What Happens After Death & Ascension Tips - Simon Parkes

Illuminati Infiltration of Christianity - Fritz Springmeier & Timothy Alberino

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment

New World Order Bible Versions (Full Movie)

Friday, March 4, 2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016


In fairness – not ‘ALL’ Jews are liars. And of course — Not all large sharks are man-eathers. Not all Vipers are deadly. Not all Grizzly bears are man-killers. Not all gypsies are cheats. Not all scorpions are poisonous. Not all home invadors are going to kill the family. Not all homosexual perverts are pedophiles. Not all cancers are deadly. Not all drug addicts ruin their lives. Not all poisons are fatal. Not all psychopaths are killers. Not all black widdow bites aere fatal. Not all AIDS viruses are contageous. Not all gunshots to the head are fatal. Not all plane crashes are fatal. Not all Russian Roulette players die. 

BUT – the odds are very much against you if want to flirt 100 1 or 1000 – 1 odds. I have not EVER witnessed a single substantial truth about the conduct of the Israelis or criminal Jews in America for that matter – come from ANY Jew Congressman – Rabbi – Hollywood personality – TV news spokesman – White House official – wealthy businessman or any other prominent Jew – PERIOD! 

Note – that every one of these following facts are based upon LIES spoken by the Jews. There are and have been no greater liars than the Jew. The entire collective history and life of the Jews is one gigantic lie. 

The Israhell press is constantly parroting the monstrous lie that “their army is the most moral in the world”. The IN – YOUR – FACE from endless irrefutable evidence truth IS – that the Jew military is the most sadistic – cruel – cowardly – blasphemous – terrorist – murderous – child murdering gang of thugs on earth! How can you top that lie! 

How about this one? “We Jews are a light among nations – a people who improves all countries we touch”. What overbearing stiff-necked arrogance! These are demonic creatures exposed as the “Sons of Satan” by the Son of God – a people so evil and corrupt that they have been kicked out of over a hundred nations and city States over the past 1500 years for their rancid criminal conduct. 

No Jew has ever been ‘persecuted’. Look up the meaning of the word PERSECUTED for yourself. The Jews have been ‘punished’ for THEIR criminal CONDUCT – CONDUCT – CONDUCT! It has been the JEWS who have persecuted OTHER innocent people – NOT the other way around. The Jew and his lies have made him the master of resverse discrimination. The shrewd cunning Jew makes HIMSELF the victim – while HIS victims become the victimizers. 

The perfect example of this demonic art of the Devil is how the poor people of Gaza – inprisoned beaten starved tortured humiliated and murdered for over SIXTY YEARS – by these horrible Jews – wealthy beyond any wildest immagination – have somehow been the perpetrators and the Jews with one of the largest armies on earth are the poor victims. 

Such are the magnatude of the lies of these demonic “SONS OF SATAN” with their “SYNAGOGUES OF SATAN”. 

ALL of these TRUTHS below are to counter and expose lies promoted by the Jews! 

It wasn’t Arabs who sent our military into Afghanistan and Iraq to murder innocent women and children by the HUNDREDS of thousands – it was jews ( Bush’s neocons). 

It isn’t Arabs who refuse to serve in the US Military in numbers proportionate to their population percentage – it is jews (1/10 of 1%, vs. 5%). ( I trained a LOT of combat troops during the Vietnam and Berlin Crisis era, and I KNOW this for a fact FIRSTHAND!) 

It wasn’t Arabs who sued to remove “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who sued to remove the Ten Commandments from that Alabama courthouse, had Judge Moore removed from the bench and now seek to disbar him – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who sue to remove nativity scenes from public venues – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who erect menorahs in public venues in place of crosses – it is jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who sued to remove group prayer from public schools – it was jews.

It wasn’t Arabs suing to remove decorative lights from schools at Christmas – it was jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who refuse to allow children to say grace over their school lunches – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who continue to impose affirmative action upon us in all walks of life – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who began and continue to expand militant feminism – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who buy off all our legislators with our own tax dollars – it is jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who tried to sink the USS Liberty and killed and maimed so many of its crewmembers during an extended attack – it was jews. 

It isn’t Arabs enacting hate crime laws designed to outlaw criticism of themselves – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who run NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs suing to force us to allow homosexuals to lead boy scout troops – it is jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who started and ran so many black militant organizations like the NAACP – it was jews. 

It isn’t Arabs importing huge numbers of Somalians and Bantu into American cities – it is jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who formulated American legislation providing pensions to Russian jewish immigrants for doing nothing – it was jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who run organized crime throughout America – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who import tons of drugs into America every day – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who literally own and run all of Hollywood’s moviemaking filth enterprise – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who literally own and run all of America’s mainstream media – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs spewing obscenity and race-mixing propaganda from the TV and movie screens – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs trying mightily to block release of the Mel Gibson movie, “The Passion” – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs lying about and guilt tripping us with “the holocaust” – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs stealing American tax dollars to fund all their holocaust monuments throughout America – it is jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who forged the Anne Frank “diary” – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who lied about gas chambers at Dachau and Auschwitz – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who lied about mass graves at Treblinka – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who lied about jews being made into lamp shades and soap during WWII – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who doctored WWII prison camp photos to appear to be belching smoke from crematoria – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who used WWII pictures of dead non jews, claiming they were jews – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who made anti-semitical talk punishable by death in Russia after they took power – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who killed over 20 million Russian Christians – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who looted and destroyed the Russian economy with their usury and greed – it was jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who have amassed an illegal arsenal of over 300 nuclear weapons in the Middle East – it is the jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who brag about controlling America – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who advocate the use of torture by and on Americans – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who twist American laws to punish anti-semitical speech – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs endeavoring to get America to outlaw anti-semitical speech – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who sell goods that it is illegal in America to boycott – it is Israeli jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who extort “fees” for allowing their kosher label on goods – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who retaliate against rock-throwing children by shooting them in the head – it is jews. (I HAVE PERSONALLY WITNESSED THIS SADISTIC ISREALI PASSTIME) 

It isn’t Arabs stealing land in Palestine – it is jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who ran down Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer – it was a jew. 

It isn’t Arabs who have caused America to spend $2.5 trillion ($31,250 per American family) in the Middle East – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who send teams of trained assassins into foreign countries, including America, to kill people with whom Israel disagrees – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who run the ADL, which maintains dossiers on thousands of law-abiding American citizens, for the purpose of punishing those with whom they disagree – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who break into and enter the offices and homes of law-abiding American citizens, to procure evidence both for their database and in the hopes of getting evidence they can pass to the FBI for prosecution – it is jews. 

It isn’t Arabs who have caused America to go from being the most-loved country in the world to the most hated – it is jews. 

It wasn’t the Arabs who produced the biggest traitors to America in all history ( Rosenbergs – Pollard & more!) it was the jews 

It isn’t the Arabs who participate in – support and or participate in EVERY MAJOR HOMOSEXUAL organization in America – it is the jews 

It wasn’t the Arabs who treatened the lives of Christian Actor /director MelGibson and his father for honoring God in his movie about the Passion of Christ – it was the jews! 

It wasn’t an Arab Congressman that made the following disgusting blasphemy and open hatred of Christians on the floor of Congress “Do not let the forces of evil [Christians] take over to make this a Christian America.”( Senator Howard Metzenbaum, 11/6/86) – it WAS A JEW! 

It isn’t the Arabs who constitute an overwhelming majority of the treasonous Communist Party in OUR America – IT IS THE JEWS! 

It isn’t the Arabs that want to take our guns away in America – it is the jews 

It isn’t the Arabs who dominate the psychiatric quacks in America that keep our children drugged up 24/7 on Ritalin – it is the jews. ONE of these stinking jew pseudophysicians has ruined my own teenage son’s life! It is a story EVERY AMERICAN PARENT NEEDS TO HEAR!! 

It wasn’t the Arabs who murdered several of my ex wife’s family in cold blood because they were Christians – it was the jews! ( My ex wife’s grandmother witnessed the horror of having her husband and sons murdered right before her very eyes by the sadistic jew CHEKA in the predominately Christian Ukraine!) 

It wasn’t an Arab Mayor that turned the quaint Latin quarter of my grandparents into a rotted hellhole of porn/ sleaze – and a haven for homo-pervert bars – it was a jewess. 

It is not the Arabs who dominate America’s virtually Marxist ‘Democrat Party’ of sleaze and filth – it is the jews ( over 90% of American jews are Democrats) 

It is not the Arabs who have turned my once proud and wholesome America into a morally rotted corpse – it is the jews. 

It is not the Arabs who percentage-wise dominate the militant in- you-face Christian hating – boy scout hating homosexual filth in America – it is the jews 

It is not Arab representation in America that has turned virtually all of the former ‘educational channels’ on TV into vehicles for promoting atheism – it is the jews. 

It was not the Arabs who have rotted/ruined perverted an entire generation of our youth with their filth, violence, vile language, perversions, gratuitous sex on cinema and TV- it has been the work of the jews 

It wasn’t the Arabs who have worked tirelessly to insure never ending hatred between the races – it IS the jews ( eg. NAACP) 

It isn’t Arabs who regularly phony up “hate crimes” against themselves – it is jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who caused the Great Depression – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who dragged American Christian sons into WWI – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who dragged American Christian sons into WWII – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who had JFK killed – it was jews. 

It wasn’t Arabs who demolished the World Trade Center – it was jews. 

AND —- It isn’t Arabs bent upon destroying Christianity – it is jews. 

And lest we forget: It wasn’t Arabs who had Jesus Christ crucified – it was jews.

No planes crashed ANYWHERE on 911. READ DESCRIPTION.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

For many years now, a lot of people have been talking about “The Shift”, this mysterious transformation of human...

Originally shared by Wake Up World

For many years now, a lot of people have been talking about “The Shift”, this mysterious transformation of human consciousness. I want to take a minute to help us all ground this notion a bit and share some characteristics of those whose souls incarnated here on this planet right now to facilitate this mystical shift in human consciousness. See if any of these traits resonate with who you are and how you feel.

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD


Originally shared by San Burns